Wednesday, August 27, 2008

I am Bangalored

Bangalored. This term had been in foreign media for those who lost jobs because of outsourcing to bangalore. But thats a long time back.

But rather i will use this term for those who are fed up of bangalore, its traffic, its lack of public transport infrastructure, its lack of responsive people, and not the least like in whole india lack of proper administrative power. And if i say all these i am worst affected by all of these.

I am in this place for more than a year and i have sincerely tried not to use any private vehicle of my own, and to max pool all those available with public modes of transport.

The curse of bangalore is the rich who can afford to buy all kinds of luxury cars and also to afford to travel in it in single for years to come. Without the proper reaction from the public the authorities also will not be able to help avoid this chaos.

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