Friday, February 13, 2009

Valentines day round the corner

Tomorrow is another Valentines day. The day when lovers are put to acid test, whether or not to say their love and things like that haunt the young minds.

In india this day is far more controversial than anywhere in the world. Moral policing has been more done on and based on this day here. The groups doing moral policing argues that it is not part of indian culture to date openly, or otherwise as it is western. The argument may hold good but what i suggest is not to police on this day but to issue advices to young.

One more thing is that world is no more an indigenous anymore. It is already the mix of best of cultures, or more reasonable. The groups who advocate against Valentines day themselves cannot refrain from using any western based products anymore. It is the individuals who decides how to live in this free country, India. There are fundamental rights of every indian citizens and those who are opposing it should be punished under assaulting our constitution.

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