Friday, September 19, 2008

Stop this please

I was alerted by my friend on the hotel which employs child labour. It astonished me as this was just opposite the commissioners office in Bangalore. All the policemen come here for breakfast/lunch/dinner/snacks. Yet no one raised their voice to stop this brutal act!

They just not only employ child labour but also brutally beat them for finishing up their work fast and brisk enough. You can witness this in its closing hours.

This happens only in India. I had a long conversation with my friend on this topic, who had boycotted the hotel by now.

This is the image I took of my cell camera. The resolution may not be good, but who cares if it reaches wider reach of people. Those who read this, if you feel the same please do something in your own view against this act.

Child Labour in Hotel Nisarga


AkkiDaddy said...

I acknowledge your concern for the children. I appreciate your efforts.

I have a small suggestion. Drop a letter to the commissioner informing him of the same. We shall wait and watch his actions. Then we shall decide on what to do next.

Unknown said...

hmmm child labor have been a long promblem of the world over since time imemmorial..

its just sad to note that even national government can do nothing because most families are below the poverty line:-(

i could only do so much but your sympathy is one good step in terminating this problem:-)

the UN have i think laws about child labor and human rights law:-) am not just well versed about it:-) but i agree to what have akkidaddy:-)